Ultra soft baby cream
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Objem | 35 ml |
This 100% pure natural cream offers the mildest, yet a very effective skin care for your baby. It contains three essential oils most suitable for newborns - yarrow (high in azulene), German chamomile and lavender. We guarantee your baby’s skin will be smooth and super soft.
Cupuaçú butter is a soft and nourishing skin moisturizer. It promotes deep, long lasting hydration. This butter is more suitable for babies than cocoa butter (contains caffeine) or shea butter (inferior in water retention). Pequi oil has unique composition of fatty acids and excellent moisturizing abilities. Indigenous Amazonian people use pequi fruit as baby's staple food for replacing breast milk. Apricot kernel oil is known for its ability to penetrate the skin without leaving an oily feel. It is rich in vitamins; A, B, and E, and is well tolerated by even the most sensitive skin types. Papaya is also called as “The Fruit of the Angels” and is the best source of papain and Vitamin A, which help in breaking inactive proteins and also aid in the removal of dead skin cells. Low sodium quality of papaya helps in retaining water and always keeps your baby's skin hydrated. In comparison to other fruits, papaya contains plenty of carotene, which promotes healthy skin.
nádherne vonia
Krémik je parádny, nádherne vonia. Mladší syn už stihol vyskúšať :) dúfam, že mráz na detských líčkach nebude vďaka tomuto krémiku tak stípať :)
splnil ocakavania
objednala som ho mojej dvoj-rocnej dcere, ktora mala suche miesa na pokozke a nic na to nezaberalo, stacilo mesiac pouzivania a pokozku ma krasne hydratovanu a zdravu
kvalitný produkt
Som veľmi spokojná. Takéto kvalitné handmade výrobky človek zháňa ťažko.
príjemný a hydratuje
Mám citlivú pokožku a veľa krémov ma doslova štípe. Avšak krém rebríček a rumanček mi v tomto ohľade vyhovuje, má príjemnú vôňu a skvelo hydratuje. Aplikujem ho najmä večer pred spaním a ako podklad pod make up, stačí naozaj malé množstvo.
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Jediný krém, ktorý mi pomohol na ekzém na ruke. Túto zimu nezaberalo už ani viacnásobné natieranie Excipialom, ani nič iné, prsty som mala červené, popraskané a pálili, po nanesení Vášho krému prišla takmer okamžitá úľava a do piatich dní som mala na prstoch už len malú ružovú značku. Veľmi Vám zaň ďakujem. Prosím, neprestaňte ho nikdy vyrábať. Moje ruky sa bez neho už nezaobídu.