Cream for beautiful and healthy breasts with Amazonian superfruits
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Objem | 50 ml |
"Prevention is the medicine of the millennium"
This 100% natural handmade cream is formulated to keep your breasts healthy and beautiful. The cream composition functions as a natural prevention of breast cancer, while improving skin elasticity and softness of the breasts for a more attractive appearance.
Bacuri butter contains one of the highest contents of the amino acid lysine, which is essential in collagen and elastin production, aiding in retention of breast skin elasticity. Murumuru butter is a gentle moisturizer readily absorbed into the deep layers of the skin restoring elasticity to prematurely aged skin. It has one of the highest contents of lauric acid - at 47% - similar amount of lauric acid is naturally only found in breast milk. Murumuru butter has a low acidity, which is great for sensitive skin.
Chamomile and thyme oils are nature’s choice for prevention of breast diseases. According to clinical studies, chamomile and thyme oils can eliminate over 90% of breast cancer cells. Immortelle oil is one of the rarest, most powerful healing oils on this planet. It helps to regenerate skin tissue, therefore skin looks more firm.
Pomegranate seed oil is a big help in breast cancer prevention as it causes the cancer cells to self-destruct. Sea buckthornis the only plant source to contain omega fatty acids 3, 6, 9 and 7. This unique high fatty acid content make it one of the most health-promoting herbal oils today.Rosehip oil fights the signs of premature aging and skin pigmentation. Propolis has amazing healing properties and stimulates tissue growth. Guava is very high in vitamin C and it helps protect cells and lower cancerous damage to them. It contributes to generation of collagen, the substance that imparts firmness to the skin.
veľmi spokojná, ďakujem :)
Od tohto predajcu som kúpila aj všetky tri slamienkové krémy a balzám na ruky s medom. So všetkými výrobkami som veľmi spokojná. Krém na tvár používam aj ráno aj večer. Na začiatku som si "napatlala" veľké množstvo krému na tvár a mala som mastný pocit, ale ako som si uvedomila, že stačí naniesť malé množstvo, tak odvtedy som veľmi spokojná. Moja pleť je úplne rozžiarená. Všetky krémy aj krásne voňajú, ale teda najviac ma prekvapila nádherná vôňa krému na prsia.. Ten by som aj zjedla :D Medy budú darčekom pod stromček, tak verím, že potešia.
Veľmi seriózny predajca. Balíky odosiela rýchlo, na správy odpisuje tiež veľmi skoro.
Rýchle dodanie, krásné zabalené, krémik je skvelý, vôbec nezanecháva pocit mastnoty, môžem len odporučiť. Medík fantastický.
Výborné medíky a úžasné krémy. Som rada, že je tu predajca s takýmto sortimentom. Rýchle odoslanie, maximálna spokojnosť Veľká vďaka!
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